a blog discussing politics, stock markets, and calculus.

Friday, September 10, 2010


i suppose I should start my blog out with a bang! what better way but to boast photos of my amazing off-roading vehicle "brody-ing" around the mountains of colorado! not only did we get to test the limits of this said vehicle, but we got to spend some quality family time bouncing around the rugged terrain. all in all, squezzing two men, two ladies, and four children ages three and younger, under one roof was, well...fun.

but when we found this scenery...the trip up was all worth it!

and getting to enjoy the solitude and beauty was refreshing (and apparently exhausting as well).


  1. what the what?! you have a blog! can't wait to blog stalk you.

  2. hey-o! that last picture of the babino on your husband's back is hilarious! love it.

