a blog discussing politics, stock markets, and calculus.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Share the Love

Go check out a friend's special fundraiser to bring a precious little girl, Elsa, home from Ethopia....and possibly win an AMAZING prize while doing so!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day in the Life of Piper

I decided to go back to work about a month ago. I loved staying at home with Piper, but I also like to work. SO, I found a happy medium and only work about 3 1/2 days a week. Luckily I have found a great place for Piper to play when Ian and I are both working. Some days it is easier than others to drop her off "at school" (it sounds better than day-care, and hey, she gets to go on a field trip to the zoo on Monday). I enjoy my grown-up time, but I welcome the weekends I spend with my family. Anyways, this is a chronicle of the average day i DO get to spend with her.

1. i wake up to this sweet face!

2. we find silly things to put on our head

3. breakfast!!

------4. we terrorize daddy's fish

5. we play at the park!

6. dinner: including a show by mommy to incite laughter

7. meltdown! don't be fooled, it's not the first of the day

8. piper tries to pull over toy box

9.splash time

-----------10. bed time, ahhh, hello glass of wine.